About Us

John Bryant
Project Director and General Editor, Professor Emeritus of English, Hofstra University

Wyn Kelley
Associate Director, Senior Lecturer in Literature, MIT.

Christopher Ohge
Associate Director, Senior Lecturer, Institute of English Studies and Digital Humanities Research Hub, University of London

Miller C. Prosser
Miller C. Prosser. Associate Director of Digital Studies, member of CEDAR initiative, University of Chicago.

Sandra Schloen
Sandra Schloen, head of the OCHRE Data Service, Forum for Digital Culture, University of Chicago.

Nicholas Laiacona
President, Performant Software Solutions LLC

Jamie Folsom
Vice President, Performant Software Solutions LLC
General Editor: John Bryant
Associate Editors: Wyn Kelley and Christopher Ohge
Co-editors: Colin Dewey, Timothy Marr, Gerard McGowan, Brian Yothers, Les Harrison and Haskell Springer
Co-editors: John Bryant and Christopher Ohge
Projects: supervise editorial projects; develop metadata; supervise textual, contextual, and revision annotation.
Research Associates: John Bryant, Jaime Campomar, Rebecca Cheong, Dawn Coleman, Les Harrison, Wyn Kelley, Tony McGowan, Joseph Meyer, Christopher Ohge, Steve Olsen-Smith, Wesley Raabe, Steven Sill, Haskell Springer, John Walsh, John Wenke, Marta Werner
Adaptation and Adaptive Revision
Editor: John Bryant
Projects: Build descriptive bibliographies; strategize navigations for sources, adaptations, and translations.
Research Associates and Consultants: Pilar Martínez Benedi, Jaime Campomar, Daniel Göske, Joel Myerson, Steven Olsen-Smith, Gordon Poole, G. Thomas Tanselle
Melville Letters & Melville Family Correspondence
Co-editors: Christopher Ohge and Rebecca Cheong
Projects: Assemble correspondence metadata; transcribe letters
Co-editors: Colin Dewey and Les Harrison
Projects: Moby-Dick and Art annotations; Melville’s print collection
Research Associates: Dennis Berthold, Les Harrison, Pilar Martinez Benedi, Christopher Sten, Robert K. Wallace
Co-editors: Timothy Marr and Tony McGowan
Projects: Person, Place, Event metadata, annotation and mapping of Battle-Pieces
Research Associates: Timothy Marr, Laura López Peña, Robert D. Madison, Cody Marrs, Christopher Ohge, Steve Rachman, Steven Olsen-Smith, Paul Wright
Co-editors: Wyn Kelley and Brian Yothers
Projects: Place metadata, mapping Melville’s geographical imagination, Melville in London (Itinerary)
Research Associates: Brad Bannon, Anthony Cohen, Mary K. Bercaw Edwards, Mary Isbell, Jeffrey Markham, Katie McGettigan, John Stromski, Brian Yothers
Laura Mandell (Miami of Ohio), Jerome J. McGann (Virginia), Joel Myerson (South Carolina), Bethany Nowviskie (Virginia), Daniel Pitti (IATH Virginia), Kenneth Price (Nebraska), Stephen Railton (Virginia), Martha Nell Smith (Maryland), Haskell Springer (Kansas), Andrew Stauffer (NINES, Virginia), and G. Thomas Tanselle (Guggenheim, emeritus), John Walsh (Indiana)
Daniel Rubey (Dean Emeritus, Hofstra Library), Howard Graves (Assistant Dean, Library Systems), Leslie Morris (Houghton), Thomas Lannon (NYPL), John A. Walsh (Indiana University).
Nick Laiacona and Jamie Folsom (Performant Software Solutions), Syd Bauman (Northeastern), Julia Flanders (Northeastern), Kurt Fendt (MIT), Brian Ferris and Kevin Pechin (Hofstra IT)