
Chapter 6 CHAPTER 6 But on board the seventy-four in which Billy now swung his hammock, very little in the manner of the men and nothing obvious in the demeanor of the officers would have suggested to an ordinary observer that the Great Mutiny was a recent event. In their general bearing and conduct the commissioned officers of a war-ship naturally take their tone from the commander, that is if he have that Hayford and Sealts emended to "ascendancy," but MEL and NN retain Melville's original spelling in the MS because "ascendency" was an accepted spelling in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, as the Oxford English Dictionary shows (see "ascendancy | ascendency, n.". OED Online. June 2021. Oxford University Press). of character that ought to be his. Captain the Honorable Edward Fairfax Vere, to give his full title, was a bachelor of forty or thereabouts, a sailor of distinction even in a time prolific of renowned seamen. Though allied to the higher nobility his advancement had not been altogether to influences connected with that circumstance. He had seen much service, been in many various engagements, always acquitting himself as an officer mindful of the wellfare of his men, but never tolerating an infraction of discipline,] In revising this passage in ink, HM used an insertion bubble to add "of discipline." He later added a semi-colon outside of the bubble, but seems to have altered the semi-colon to a comma. NN prints the semi-colon here; MEL, the comma. thoroughly versed in the science of his profession, and intrepid to the verge of temerity though never injudiciously so. For his gallantry in the West Indian waters as flag-lieutenant under Rodney in that Admiral's crowning victory over De Grasse, he was made a post-captain. Ashore in the garb of a civilian,] MEL adds the comma after "civilian" to clarify the ending of the (misplaced) introductory prepositional phrase., scarce anyone would have taken him for a sailor, more especially that he never garnished unprofessional talk with nautical terms, and grave in his bearing, evinced little appreciation of mere humor. It was not out of keeping with these traits that a passage when nothing demanded his paramount action, he was the most undemonstrative of men. Any landsman observing this gentleman not conspicuous by his stature and wearing no pronounced insignia, emerging from his to the open deck, and noting the silent deference of the officers retiring to leeward, might have taken him for the King's guest, a civilian aboard the King's-ship some highly honorable discreet envoy on his way to an important post. But in fact this of demeanor may have proceeded from a certain unaffected modesty of manhood sometimes accompanying a resolute nature, a modesty evinced at all times not calling for pronounced action, and which shown in any rank of life suggests a virtue aristocratic in kind. As with some others engaged in various departments of the world's more heroic activities, Captain Vere though practical enough upon occasion would at times betray a certain dreaminess of mood. Standing alone on the weather-side of the quarter deck, one hand holding by the he would absently gaze off at the blank sea. At the presentation to him then of some minor matter interrupting the current of his thoughts he would show more or less irascibility; but instantly he would control it. In the navy he was popularly known by the appellation: MEL emends Melville's MS misspelling "appelation" to "appellation."—Starry Vere. How such a designation happened to fall] Originally, HM wrote "to fall to him." To expand at this site, he deleted "him" (but not the second "to") and attached a clip with new text, in pencil, beginning with "upon one who...." To repair the doubled prepositions in "to fall to upon one who," MEL emends to "to fall upon one who." upon one who whatever his sterling qualities was without any brilliant ones was in this wise: A favorite kinsman, Lord Denton, a free-hearted fellow, had been the first to meet and congratulate him upon his return to England from his West Indian cruise; and but the day previous turning over a copy of Andrew Marvell's poems had lighted, not for the first time however, upon the lines entitled Appleton House, the name of one of the seats of their common ancestor, a hero in the German wars of the seventeenth century, in which poem occur the lines, 'tis to have been from the first This] In manuscript, HM places quotation marks around the four quoted lines from Andrew Marvell's 1681 poem "Upon Appleton House." NN retains the quotation marks, which might suggest that a voice other than Marvell's is speaking. To avoid this suggestion and in keeping with modern conventions, MEL drops the quotation mark here and after "Vere" at the end of the fourth line. In a domestic heaven nursed, Under the discipline severe Of Fairfax and the starry And so, upon embracing his cousin fresh from Rodney's great victory wherein he had played so gallant a part, brimming over with just family pride in the sailor of their house, he exuberantly exclaimed, "Give ye joy, Ed; give ye joy, my starry Vere!" This got currency, and the novel prefix serving in familiar parlance readily to distinguish The Indomitable's captain from another Vere his senior, a distant an officer of like rank in the navy, it remained permanently attached to the surname.